Difficulties accessing school / Emotion Based School Avoidance

Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire has been commissioned by North Yorkshire Council and Humber and North Yorkshire ICB to develop guidance for schools on Emotion Based School Avoidance. PCV North Yorkshire is completing this project in line with the following principles:

- The term ‘Emotion Based School Avoidance’ is one that many families feel puts the responsibility on the child and suggests an element of choice by the child or young person. Therefore this term will be reconsidered as part of this project.

- Children and young people with ‘Emotion Based School Avoidance’ may have very different needs, for many different reasons and one single solution will not meet all these needs.

- Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire includes parents whose own children have not been able to attend school and the lived experience of the project leaders as well as the parent carers who contribute to this project will be used to inform the project at every stage.


Local Area SEND Inspection - 15th April 2024


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