Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire - Need You!
Neurodivergent children are those who have differences in how their brains function, process information, learn, and behave. These differences can include conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, OCD, bipolar disorder, and others.
We want to know your views on school rules? Are some more likely to impact on neurodivergent children than other children. What about rewards and consequences? How do these affect your neurodivergent child?
We are producing a short film for schools which gives the voice of parents, carers and families of neurodivergent children. It will explain to education staff how certain experiences, rules, policies etc in school can impact on neurodiverse children more than others, what happens at home when children have held all their feelings and emotions in at school (masking and after school restraint collapse) and how schools can make small changes to help.
We know that hearing the voice of parents describing their experiences can be really powerful. We are looking for volunteers to participate in the filming on Monday 18th March and Wednesday 20th March 2024 in Scarborough and Harrogate areas.
We may be able to help with childcare costs for younger children and a youth worker for the older children so please don’t let this be a barrier. NY Voice team will be on hand to help capture the voice of any children/young people who accompany parents.
We are also looking for examples of difficulties encountered so we can ensure we really capture the range and extent. These can be from parents, carers and children and young people.
Please email to register your interest or for more information.